Recipe: Tasty Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen

Delicious, fresh and Yummy.

Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen.

Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen You can cook Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen

  1. It's 8-9 sticks of leeks.
  2. Prepare 6 of eggs.
  3. Prepare 1 of onion 🧅.
  4. You need 4 cloves of garlic 🧄.
  5. You need of Black pepper.
  6. Prepare of Dry chili pepper.
  7. You need 4 spoons of olives oil.

Leek’s Omelet/Omelet Bawang Perai/Pırasa menemen instructions

  1. Wash the leeks, cut the leeks thin, and keep aside. Dice the onion, and garlic./Cuci bawang perai, potong tipis2. Potong bawang bombay dan bawang putih..
  2. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick frying pan, saute the onion keep stirring it till the onion smells, then add the garlic./Panaskan minyak zaitun di wajan teflon, tumis bawang bombay sampai baunya harum, kemudian tambahkan bawang putih..
  3. Add the cut leeks, add salt and black pepper; continue cooking until the leeks are wilted. Then crack the eggs at the top, and close the frying pan with its lid./Masukan bawang perai iris, garam dan lada hitam, lanjutkan menumis sampai bawang perai layu. Pecah telur biarkan seperti mata sapi, kemudian tutup teflon..
  4. Wait for 5-6 minutes (depend on the cooking quality eggs you like to eat. Well cook, or half raw). Then sprinkle the dry chili pepper./Tunggu sampai 5-6 mnt (tergantung dari kesukaan, apakah suka telur setengah matang atau telur matang). Taburkan cabe kering diatas nya..
  5. Leeks omelet is ready to serve with plain yogurt as accompanied./Bawang perai omelet siap disajikan dg plain yogurt.